Ellesilk Bedding Blog
How to Wash Silk Pillowcases

How to Wash Silk Pillowcases

pure silk pillowcases

Many people choose to use silk pillowcases to sleep on, believing that it is better for the skin and hair, as well as less allergy-inducing than some other fabrics. But with this luxury comes a need for extra care when it comes to washing and maintaining them. Here are some tips for properly washing your silk pillowcases:

pure silk pillowcases

Check the care label: Before washing your silk pillowcase, be sure to check the care label for any specific instructions or recommendations. Some silk pillowcases may require dry cleaning or special care, so it’s important to follow any guidelines provided.

Use a gentle detergent: When washing your silk pillowcases, use a gentle detergent that is specially formulated for delicate fabrics. Avoid using harsh detergents or fabric softeners, as these can damage the fibers and reduce the softness of the silk.

Wash in cool water: Silk is a delicate fabric and can be damaged by hot water. To prevent damage, wash your silk pillowcases in cool or lukewarm water. Avoid using the “hot” setting on your washing machine.

Use a gentle cycle: When washing your silk pillowcases, use a gentle cycle or delicate setting on your washing machine. This will help prevent the fabric from becoming tangled or damaged during the washing process.

Air dry: After washing your silk pillowcases, avoid using a dryer. Instead, lay them flat on a clean towel or hang them to air dry. Avoid exposing them to direct sunlight or heat, as this can damage the fibers.

pure silk pillowcases

By following these simple tips, you can keep your mulberry silk pillowcases looking and feeling their best for years to come. Proper care and maintenance will help preserve their softness and luxurious feel, ensuring a comfortable and restful night’s sleep.