Ellesilk Bedding Blog
Can You Machine Wash Silk Blankets?

Can You Machine Wash Silk Blankets?

can you machine wash silk blankets

Silk blankets are a symbol of luxury and comfort, cherished by many for their softness and natural luster. However, when it comes to cleaning silk blankets, it’s essential to know the proper care methods to preserve their exquisite qualities. Can you machine wash silk blankets? The truth may surprise you. In this article, we will explore why both machine washing and hand washing are not recommended for pure silk blankets and provide alternative methods to ensure the preservation of their natural properties.

Understanding the Delicate Nature of Silk:

Silk is a natural protein fiber derived from the cocoon of silkworms. Its molecular structure gives it a delicate and luxurious feel. This inherent fragility makes silk particularly vulnerable to damage when exposed to harsh washing methods.

Why Machine Washing Is Not Recommended:

Machine washing silk blankets can be detrimental to their integrity. The agitation and friction in a washing machine can cause the delicate silk fibers to break and lose their natural luster. Additionally, the temperature fluctuations and harsh detergents in the machine can lead to color fading and damage to the fabric.

Why Hand Washing Is Also Not Advisable:

While hand washing may seem gentler than machine washing, it can still pose risks to silk blankets. Even with the utmost care, the manual handling involved in hand washing can lead to unintentional stretching, tearing, or color bleeding. The delicate nature of silk demands a higher level of caution.

The Preferred Method: Dry Cleaning:

For preserving the natural properties of pure silk blankets, dry cleaning is the recommended method. Professional dry cleaners are experienced in handling delicate fabrics and use gentle solvents that effectively clean silk without causing harm.

Spot Cleaning for Small Stains:

If a spill or stain occurs on your silk blanket, spot cleaning is a safer alternative to full washing. Use a clean, damp cloth and a mild detergent specifically designed for silk. Gently dab the affected area without rubbing or scrubbing, and then blot it dry with a clean, dry cloth. Spot cleaning minimizes the risk of spreading the stain or damaging the fabric.


In conclusion, both machine washing and hand washing are not advisable for pure silk blankets. The delicate nature of silk makes it susceptible to damage from harsh washing methods. To maintain the natural properties, softness, and luster of pure silk, dry cleaning is the preferred method. In the case of small stains, spot cleaning can be considered, but with utmost care. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your silk blanket remains in pristine condition, providing you with a luxurious and comfortable sleep experience for years to come.