Ellesilk Bedding Blog
Can You Steam Silk?

Can You Steam Silk?

tips to steam silk

Silk is a luxurious natural fiber known for its softness, smoothness, and sheen. It is a prized fabric cherished for its lightweight, breathable, moisture-wicking, and insulating properties, making it a popular choice for high-end silk clothing and silk bedding. Additionally, steam silk, a special treatment where silk is exposed to steam to enhance its luster and softness, further elevates its quality and appeal, ensuring a truly indulgent experience for those who appreciate fine textiles.

The Benefits of Steam Silk: Why It’s the Preferred Method

Compared to ironing, steaming silk offers several advantages. It gently treats delicate fabrics without damaging the fiber structure. Steaming easily removes wrinkles from silk fabrics, restoring their soft and smooth texture while also sanitizing and deodorizing them.

How to steam your silk garment: step-by-step guide

  • Prepare the steamer: Choose a steamer suitable for silk and fill it with an adequate amount of water.
  • Adjust the temperature: Set the steamer to an appropriate temperature level, generally not exceeding the heat resistance of silk.
  • Steam the garment: Hang the silk garment on a hanger at a suitable distance, then gently steam the silk fabric with the steamer, ensuring it is evenly heated.
  • Smooth the silk: Use your hands to gently stretch the silk fabric, allowing wrinkles to naturally disappear.
steam silk

Can you steam silk at home? Common mistakes to avoid

While steaming is a gentle method, there are some common mistakes to avoid:

  • Setting the temperature too high: Excessive heat can damage the silk fibers, causing the fabric to become stiff or fade.
  • Holding the steamer too close: Holding the steamer too close may result in excessive steam and make the silk fabric damp.
  • Improper timing: Too short a steaming time may not fully smooth the silk, while too long may subject the silk to excessive heat and humidity.

Additional tips

  • Test before steaming: Test the steamer on a less visible area first to ensure it won’t cause any damage to the silk.
  • Flip the silk after steaming: After steaming, flip the silk garment inside out to air dry, ensuring that the entire garment receives thorough steaming.


Steaming is a safe and effective method for treating silk garments, easily removing wrinkles and restoring their soft and smooth texture. However, attention to factors such as temperature, distance, and timing is crucial to avoid damage during the steaming process. With proper techniques and tips, you can easily provide professional care for your silk garments at home.