Ellesilk Bedding Blog
Wrinkled Silk Pajamas: A Sign of Counterfeit?

Wrinkled Silk Pajamas: A Sign of Counterfeit?

wrinkled silk pajamas

Discovering wrinkles on your silk pajamas after washing may raise concerns about authenticity. This article delves into the reasons behind silk wrinkles, distinguishing genuine issues from laundering nuances, and provides effective ironing techniques to restore the elegance of your sleepwear.

1. Why Wrinkles in Silk Pajamas?

Wrinkles in silk pajamas post-wash don’t necessarily signal counterfeit. Silk, being a natural protein fiber, is susceptible to water absorption during washing, resulting in wrinkles. Adopting a gentle handwashing approach with neutral detergent and using a laundry bag minimizes friction, reducing the likelihood of wrinkles.

2. Authenticity Check Beyond Wrinkles:

Wrinkles alone do not confirm counterfeit silk. Assessing brand reputation, purchase channels, and additional quality indicators remains crucial. Authentic silk products may exhibit minor wrinkles after washing due to their delicate nature.

silk pajamas

3. Ironing Silk Pajamas:

For mild wrinkles, ironing proves effective. Use a low-temperature setting on a silk-friendly iron, place the pajamas on a damp towel, and iron gently. Avoid direct contact to prevent shine discrepancies. This method helps restore the smoothness of your silk sleepwear.

4. Ironing Tips:

When ironing silk pajamas, maintain a moderate temperature to prevent fiber damage. Minimize steam to avoid water stains. If pajamas have embellishments, iron from the inside using a thin cloth as a protective barrier to prevent damage.

5. Care Recommendations:

To prolong the life of silk pajamas, minimize frequent washing. Handwash with neutral detergent, opt for gentle methods, and utilize a laundry bag to protect delicate fabrics. During ironing, pay attention to temperature and details to prevent irreversible damage.


The presence of wrinkles after washing doesn’t necessarily indicate counterfeit silk pajamas but is a common characteristic of natural fibers. Employing proper washing and ironing techniques can rejuvenate the silk’s original luster and softness. Caring for silk nightwear demands patience and attention to detail, ensuring prolonged comfort and elegance.