Ellesilk Bedding Blog
How to Hand Wash Silk Slips?

How to Hand Wash Silk Slips?

morden silk slips

Silk slips are delicate and luxurious garments that require special care to maintain their softness and luster. While some may opt for dry cleaning, hand washing is a gentle and effective method to preserve the beauty of silk. In this article, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of hand washing a silk slip to ensure it stays in pristine condition for years to come.

Step 1: Check the Care Label

Before proceeding with hand washing, always check the care label of your silk slip for any specific washing instructions. Some silk slips may have additional details or special recommendations that you should follow to avoid any potential damage.

silk slips

Step 2: Preparing the Washing Solution

Fill a clean basin or sink with lukewarm water. Avoid using hot water, as it can cause silk to shrink or lose its sheen. Add a small amount of mild liquid detergent specially formulated for delicate fabrics. Avoid using harsh chemicals or bleach, as they can harm the silk fibers.

Step 3: Submerge the Silk Slip

Turn your silk slip inside out to protect its outer surface. Gently submerge the slip into the soapy water, and swish it around a few times to ensure the detergent is evenly distributed.

Step 4: Gentle Hand Washing

Using your hands, carefully wash the silk slip. Avoid any rough rubbing or scrubbing, as silk is susceptible to damage. Pay extra attention to any stained areas, but gently work on them with your fingers. Let the silk slip soak in the soapy water for a few minutes to allow the detergent to lift any dirt or oils.

Step 5: Rinse Thoroughly

Drain the soapy water and refill the basin with clean, lukewarm water. Gently agitate the slip in the water to remove any remaining detergent. Repeat this rinsing process until the water runs clear, indicating that all the detergent has been removed.

Step 6: Removing Excess Water

Avoid wringing or twisting the silk slip to remove excess water, as this can cause the delicate fibers to stretch or become misshapen. Instead, carefully press the slip between clean, dry towels to absorb the moisture.

Step 7: Drying the Silk Slip

Lay the silk slip flat on a dry towel, shaping it back to its original form. Roll the towel with the slip inside to gently squeeze out any remaining water. Unroll the towel and place the slip on a drying rack away from direct sunlight and heat sources. Let it air dry naturally.

Step 8: Finishing Touches

Once the silk slip is completely dry, gently steam it on the lowest setting of your iron to remove any wrinkles. Alternatively, you can hang the slip in a steamy bathroom for a few minutes to help release wrinkles.

By following these steps, you can hand wash your silk slip with care and keep it looking beautiful and elegant for many wears to come. Hand washing silk may require a bit of extra effort, but the results are well worth it, as your silk slip will maintain its luxurious feel and graceful allure.