Ellesilk Bedding Blog
How to Distinguish Real Silk Blankets?

How to Distinguish Real Silk Blankets?

real silk blankets

When purchasing silk blankets, it’s crucial to differentiate between genuine and fake ones. Real silk blankets offer not only softness and comfort but also benefits for sleep quality and skin care. However, the market is flooded with counterfeit silk products. This article aims to explain how to distinguish it, helping consumers make informed decisions.

Characteristics of Real Silk Blankets

  • Luster: Genuine silk blankets exhibit a unique luster, smooth and shiny like silk. Fakes often lack this luster, appearing dull and lifeless.
  • Texture: Real silk throws have a soft, luxurious texture, providing a silky-smooth feel. In contrast, fakes may feel rough and lack the genuine silk’s softness.
  • Breathability: Real silk blankets possess excellent breathability, allowing air to circulate freely to keep the head cool and comfortable. Fakes tend to have poor breathability, leading to discomfort and overheating.
  • Comfort: Real silk throws offer unparalleled comfort, with their softness contributing to a superior sleeping experience. Conversely, fakes may lack this comfort, causing skin irritation and discomfort.
silk blankets

Methods to Identify Real Silk Blankets

  • Check the Luster: Place the silk blanket under light and observe its luster. Real silk blankets will reflect a sparkling, radiant luster, while fake ones will appear dull.
  • Feel the Texture: Run your hand over the surface of the blanket. Real silk throws will feel incredibly soft and smooth, whereas fakes may feel rough or coarse.
  • Smell Test: Real silk blankets typically have no strong odors, while fakes may emit chemical or plastic smells.
  • Examine the Label: Check the product label for indications of genuine silk, such as “100% pure silk” or “mulberry silk.” Conversely, fakes may be labeled as “synthetic silk” or “artificial silk.”
  • Price Comparison: Real silk throws generally command higher prices. If the price seems too low, it could indicate a fake silk product.

Purchasing Recommendations

  • Choose Reputable Brands: Opt for well-known brands or reputable sellers to ensure product quality and authenticity.
  • Inspect the Product Carefully: Before purchasing, carefully observe and touch the product to confirm its genuine silk characteristics.
  • Consider After-Sales Service: Select sellers that offer good after-sales service, ensuring prompt resolution of any issues that may arise post-purchase.

By following these methods, consumers can accurately distinguish real silk blankets, avoiding counterfeit products and enjoying the true comfort and luxury that genuine silk offers.