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Prolong the Life of Your Silk Sheets

how to reserve silk sheets

After spending several hundred dollars on high quality silk sheets, you definitely want to sleep on it as long as possible. Although it is already durable, can unwittingly be damaged by you, but the longer, the better.

Shopping for Silk Comforter

silk comforter

We have known that silk originated from China, which is still, now be the largest country to produce hight quality silk bedding. And more often, you are unlikely to find a quality silk comforter at yoursilk sheets local discount store. How about at your local department store?

How Mulberry Silk is Made(II)

red silk flat sheets

The cocoons are then kept in a warm place for several days. Great care is taken to ensure the silkworms do not hatch into moths because that would damage the cocoon and break the silk filament it has woven. To harvest the silk from the cocoons, they are placed in water to soften the filament.

Shopping for Silk Sheets- Care of Silk Sheets

red silk sheets care guide

In ancient China, owning anything made of silk was once a privilege only given to the very wealthy and powerful. Today, quality silk bedding no longer only for the rich and affluent. Quality silk bed sets is available to anyone willing to invest in it.

Silk and Its Legendary Discovery


It is almost impossible to say exactly when the production of silk began. Recent Chinese archaeological finds have uncovered carved ivory depictions of silk worms thought to be 6000 to 7000 years old.

Bargain Silk, Wary Choice

discount silk sheets

Silk is considered as an expensive cost fabric. So some of the venders sometimes promotes a “bargain price” to attract the consumers. However I think you should avoid purchasing silk sheets.WHY?