Ellesilk Bedding Blog
How to Properly Store Silk Comforter

How to Properly Store Silk Comforter

silk comforters filled with 100% silk

Silk comforters are a luxurious addition to any bedding collection. They are soft, lightweight, and provide excellent insulation, keeping you warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Proper storage is essential to maintain the quality and longevity of your silk comforter.

Step 1: Clean the Comforter

Before storing your silk comforter, it’s essential to clean it properly. Follow the care instructions on the comforter’s label, and use a gentle, pH-neutral detergent to avoid damaging the silk fibers. Avoid using hot water or harsh chemicals, as they can cause the silk to shrink or become damaged.

Step 2: Air-Dry the Comforter

After washing, air-dry your silk comforter in a well-ventilated area. Avoid exposing it to direct sunlight, as this can cause the silk to yellow or fade. It’s best to dry the comforter on a flat surface, such as a clean towel or a clothesline. Be patient as silk takes longer to dry than other materials.

Step 3: Store in a Breathable Bag

Once your silk comforter is completely dry, store it in a breathable bag to protect it from dust, dirt, and insects. Avoid using plastic bags, as they can trap moisture and cause mold or mildew to form. Instead, use a cotton or linen storage bag that allows air to circulate.

Step 4: Avoid Heavy Objects

When storing your silk comforters, avoid placing heavy objects on top of it, as this can cause the silk fibers to compress and lose their loft. Store the comforter in a place where it can lay flat without any pressure from other items.

Step 5: Keep in a Cool, Dry Place

Store your silk comforter in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and moisture. High temperatures and humidity can damage the silk fibers, causing them to weaken or break. Avoid storing the comforter in attics, basements, or other areas with fluctuating temperatures.

Proper storage is essential to maintain the quality and longevity of your mulberry silk comforter. With the right care and storage, your silk comforter will provide you with comfort and warmth for many winters to come.